Monday, October 8, 2012

Week One Update

So far our movement has helped 10 people get started with nutrition plans or workout plans and all of them have seen changes that they thought were not possible. We are extremely proud of all of them . Keep up the great work guys and remember one day at a time will get you where you want to be.


Monday, October 1, 2012

Welcome to ourMOVEMENT

A month ago a friend of mine ASHLEY BRUMBACK introduced me to a nutrition product called Herbalife..of course like anything else someone shows me i am a little skeptical.

But i was looking for something to help me out with my sleeping pattern, help give me a boost in my workout so i can reach my fitness goals and change my eating habits. What i was doing simply was not working

Sure enough one mo
nth later I feel 1000 times better sleeping so much better and I am on my way to my fitness goals.

I have increased all my lifts by 15lbs since I got started which is more than I ever lifted while I was an athlete in college and have maintained a great amount of energy and focus throughout my entire day.

I decided to tell friends about this product and they are starting to see drastic changes. In one week one of my friends lost an entire pants size and is on to losing another pants size as well. She had to get all new clothes. Her energy levels have been off the charts to the point her kids are looking at her like shes crazy.. beyond proud of her and we are looking forward to writing her story.

Another friend also lost 8% percent body fat and looks better than ever. He too has increased all of his weights and has already reached his fitness goals except for a few. As he said today he is able to do things that he has never been able to do. Were both looking forward to writing our story.

Miss AK47 is on a roll. Just started ourMOVEMENT meal plan and workout plan and her mom called her out saying that her abs are more defined and sees a difference in her lower body...oh yah she just started a week ago...she is finally starting to sleep better and in her words "i have never felt this good" personally I think shes going to kill it.. cant wait to see what she looks like on her bday!!! BLACKFRYEDAY!!!!

Miss LL hadnt worked out in almost a year and sure enough is back in the gym just get get gettin it. She hasnt missed a single workout and is determined to get after it. She was skeptical as well but immediately told me that her shake that she got was the best she had ever tasted. She cant wait to continue to work out and reach her fitness goal as well. She is pushing me to make sure i reach my goals not only in fitness but in life as well. The definition of ourMOVEMENT!! Excited to see her blow people away.

As of yesterday two more individuals also decided that enough is enough and decided to take the step reach their fitness goals. They are just excited as I am because they are determined to get in the best shape of their lives.

As you can tell ourMOVEMENT is for anyone that wants to help each other reach fitness goals. So many people try to reach something alone and come up short. WE have decided to help each other out and encourage each other to continue to pursue or goals one day at a time.

This is ourMOVEMENT join us and create a story of a life time! Stay Tuned!!